Find. Learn. Connect



We recognise the central role our local businesses play in the Gaeltacht. Here, you will find resources, links and support for your business and advice on how best to integrate Irish into your business...

Find out what's going on for our young children and what ways you can take advantage of extra support and get more involved as a parent!



There should be no barriers to learning. That's why we try to offer our community learning opportunities both inside and outside of the formal education system...

What's Happening?

Some of the events that are happening in the community

Irish Classes

Improve your Irish with our classes or register as part of out TEG Class

Parents and Toddlers

Child minding and pre-school services as well as family and language services support.

Homework Club

An all-Irish youth group in An Chlochán Liath every Monday to Friday. All are welcome.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Cuir síos gairid ar an imeacht agus cá háit a bhfuil sé ar siúl. Cé a bhfuil an imeacht seo dírithe orthu

Important Document

Here are some important documents related to LPT Na Rosann

Language Plan

BSG An Chlocháin Léith - Winter 2020

Macalla Cholmcille

In the documentary Mcalla Colmcille, we get a new insight into the famous Saint, seeing him as an artist and visionary.

Comórtas Reatha na Gaeltachta 2022

Don dtríú bliain as a chéile, tá Oifigigh Pleanála Teanga na Gaeltachta ag eagrú Chomórtas Reatha na Gaeltachta, le fáil amach cén pobal Gaeltachta is aclaí in Éirinn.

Preas Ráiteas

Íoslódáil an Preas Ráiteas don ocáid seo thíos:

Follow us on social media

LPT Na Rosann is live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
